Westcliffe Regional Rainwater Management Plan

Silvercliff and Westcliffe, Custer County, Colorado, USA

About Westcliffe Regional Rainwater Management Plan

Two small towns in Colorado had flooding issues in their downtowns. CGI analyzed the watershed, found immediate opportunities to solve the flooding with green streets, helped obtain CDBG funding to design and build the green streets, and provided a regulatory framework that would improve drainage performance as new development comes on line. The project was published in StormCon magazine.


Proposals to apply a fixed stormwater standard for every site regardless of community context will result in lower densities, sprawl, high- carbon-footprint infrastructure and economically non-sustainable public/private stormwater costs.


The benefits of this approach are increased facilitation of great T5 & T6, utilization of Light Imprint stormwater techniques, and a lower overall carbon footprint for stormwater infrastructure; while achieving improvements of the stormwater characteristics of the watershed on a community-wide, context-sensitive basis.

Project Images

Location: Silvercliff and Westcliffe, Custer County, Colorado, USA
Categories: Public Works Planning and Engineering
Features: Green Infrastructure, Rainwater Harvesting Streets, Stormwater Management
Year Started: 2008
Website: http://foresternetwork.com/author/paul-crabtree-et-al/
Client: Cities of Silver Cliff and Westcliffe, and Custer County

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