Kingston, Jamaica
About Rosetown
Rosetown is a neighborhood on the southwest side of Kingston that experienced devastating gang wars in 2008-9. The Princes Foundation established a local Rosetown Foundation to help the neighborhood rebound. CGI used the DPZ-designed redevelopment plan to work with the community to help rebuild a corridor through the entire community to provide water, sewer, electricity and transportation through this corridor, and as an example of how to rebuild the infrastructure of the rest of the community.
Limited funding, while all infrastructure system were broken and abandoned.Solutions
Work with the community to prioritize infrastructure investment that would be most useful and most beneficial to the community as a whole.Project Images
Location: Kingston, Jamaica
Categories: Public Works Planning and Engineering
Features: Drainage, Sewer Design, Water Supply and Distribution
Year Started: 2011
Size: 43 Hectares
Client: Rosetown Foundation
Partners: DPZ Partners, Prince’s Foundation for Building Community